Editing for Success

Whatever refinement your writing needs, I offer a full range of editing and proofreading services for fiction and non-fiction writers. 

A person typing on a laptop computer.

Genres That I Edit

Business (books, company documents, website content)

Self-improvement (personal, professional, coaching)


Historical Fiction, including Alternative History

Crime and Mystery Fiction

Suspense/Thriller Fiction

A green square with four windows on it.

Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is the broadest and usually the first form of editing that addresses macro issues. Developmental editing stands back, looks at the whole, and makes sure it is cohesive, compelling, and well-organized.

For non-fiction editing, I focus on organization, points that need strengthening, and target audience needs. This includes clarifying technical concepts for a non-technical audience. 

For fiction editing, I focus on story structure, plot consistency, and character development. 

Developmental editing does not correct sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and other detailed issues, which are the focus of line and copy editing.

A magnifying glass with three bars on it.

Line Editing

Line editing involves a detailed review of content at the sentence and paragraph level. This edit will tighten sentence structure, improve clarity, ensure readability, eliminate redundancies or overused text, and sharpen word choice and tone.

Effective line editing will reflect the writer's style to the best version of itself -- your readers will hear your voice. 

When line editing, I use Track Changes allowing you to choose which changes to accept or reject. 

Line editing does not correct errors in grammar and mechanics.

A green background with two black lines.

Copy Editing

Copy editing is a micro review of your manuscript that corrects errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At this stage, I also focus on consistency and make fine-tuning changes. 

A black and white icon of a magnifying glass.


Proofreading is the final stage prior to publication. After changes and corrections have been completed, the manuscript is proofread for typos, formatting, or other errors. 

What is the Process?

Clients may need help developing content or may only need editing assistance. 

Clients who want editing may be unsure of which level of editing they need, or they may be confident that their material is ready for either line or copy editing.

I can help you determine what editing your work needs! 

A person typing on a laptop computer.
A woman is looking at her phone while using a laptop.

Overview of the Editing Process:

  • 1 I will review your content and determine whether it requires a developmental, line, or copy edit, and provide pricing with clear explanations.
  • 2 When the editing is complete, I will return a marked-up copy with comments, a clean copy, and a cover letter or email with additional feedback.


As needs and projects vary considerably, I offer several rate plans, including per-word rates, flat rates, and retainer services. 

Please use the Contact Us form for a price quote. 

A group of people sitting at a table with papers.